Blackboard Perspectives and thoughts from Zhenhua Yao

DLL Load Error and Diamond Dependencies

Recently the host OS in Azure is being upgraded to a new version. As a part of this, a DLL of networking agent called WVCDLL has to be upgraded too. My team member tried and got a werid error. Attaching debugger to the program, the IP stopped at a logging entry, which did not make much sense. Then I looked closely at the stack trace:

0d 00000015`2b44dff0 00007ffe`2736fdbf wvcdll!__delayLoadHelper2+0x258
0e 00000015`2b44e0b0 00007ffe`27321177 wvcdll!_tailMerge_OsLogger_dll+0x3f
0f 00000015`2b44e120 00007ffe`273213a8 wvcdll!VirtualSwitchMgmtServiceClassFactory::GetInstance+0x87
10 00000015`2b44e290 00007ff7`1ad6d26d wvcdll!VirtualSwitchMgmtServiceClassFactory::GetInstance+0x18
11 00000015`2b44e2d0 00007ff7`1ab8713a NMAgent!IVirtualSwitchManagementService::~IVirtualSwitchManagementService+0x5dd

__delayLoadHelper caught my attention. Once I saw the assembly it looked clear to me:

0:019> uf 00007ffe`273210f0
   34 00007ffe`273210f0 4055            push    rbp
   34 00007ffe`273210f2 53              push    rbx
   34 00007ffe`273210f3 56              push    rsi
   34 00007ffe`273210f4 57              push    rdi
   37 00007ffe`2732114e 488d05fb960500  lea     rax,[wvcdll!`string' (00007ffe`2737a850)]
   37 00007ffe`27321155 4889442420      mov     qword ptr [rsp+20h],rax
   37 00007ffe`2732115a 4c8d0d5f970500  lea     r9,[wvcdll!`string' (00007ffe`2737a8c0)]
   37 00007ffe`27321161 4c8d442440      lea     r8,[rsp+40h]
   37 00007ffe`27321166 488b15a31b0800  mov     rdx,qword ptr [wvcdll!wvcLogger (00007ffe`273a2d10)]
   37 00007ffe`2732116d 488d4d90        lea     rcx,[rbp-70h]
   37 00007ffe`27321171 ff1599110800    call    qword ptr [wvcdll!_imp_??0FunctionLoggerOsLoggerQEAAPEAVILogger (00007ffe`273a2310)]
   37 00007ffe`27321177 90              nop

From the stack trace the problem occurred at 00007ffe 27321171, the call instruction. The symbol name indicates that the code in WVCDLL is attempting to call a function defined in OsLogger via import table. Therefore the error is caused by either the dependency does not exist or it is a wrong version.

In native code, a dependency DLL can be set to delay loaded for two reasons:

  • The main program may not call any function in the dependency at all.
  • Even if it does, the function may be called late in the execution.

Delay-loading can improve the program load speed for obvious reason. The downside is we may not see the dependency load failure when the program is loaded, as previous failure shows.

In this case, a closer look turned out that the problem was caused by wrong version was used during the build. This is a typical scenario of diamond dependencies:

  • Program depends on DLL A and B.
  • DLL A and B are developed and distributed independently.
  • Both A and B depend on DLL C.

Unlike managed code, native code does not check the version of DLL being loaded. Suppose DLL A version 1 uses DLL C version 1.1, DLL B version 2 uses DLL C version 1.2 which has a different import table, then we link A and B into the same program, although the build process is successful, at runtime it will fail to resolve function entries.

Most teams in Microsoft have compoentized the code base and migrated the source repository from centralized SD to distributed Git – I may write another post to talk about how the engineering system looks like. Since the release cadence of different components are completely different, this problem may not be rare to see.

Lastly, in case anyone does not know one can check the version of loaded module in windbg using lmvm:

0:019> lmvm wvcdll
Browse full module list
start             end                 module name
00007ffe`27310000 00007ffe`273ad000   wvcdll     (deferred)             
    Image path: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\wvcdll.dll
    Image name: wvcdll.dll
    Browse all global symbols  functions  data
    Timestamp:        Tue Mar  8 11:36:39 2016 (56DF29C7)
    File version:
    Product version:
    PrivateBuild:      (by corecet on CY1AZRBLD15)
    FileDescription:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx r_mar_2016 (6f6baea) Microsoft Azure®

Based on the version and other info, one can load matching PDB for ease of debugging.

How to Read Large MSBuild Log Files

Our projects are mostly C# and C++ code, and MSBuild is the engine to drive the entire build process. If the code base is large, the log file can be very large. For instance, our build log is over 600 MB and counts for over 5 million lines of text. Although the logging is designed to be human readable, it is a challenge to read and extract useful information in such a huge file. I would like to share a few tips and hope this info makes your work easier.

Firstly we need a decent editor that is capable to handling large files. I use VIM all the time, it works well in this scenario. Some people like Sublime Text, which I have no experience, but it seems to be equally powerful. Notepad is a bad choice, it can handle large file but the performance is so bad and I always wonder why it still exists in Windows. Notepad++ and Visual Studio Code refuse to load large files, so avoid them. Finding a nice editor is what every developer should do.


Normally MSBuild builds multiple projects in paralle. Different loggers can be used, we only use the default console logger, which is multiple-processor aware. In the log file, each chunk of log, which can be one or multiple lines, is prefixed with the build node number, for instance:

Build started 4/28/2016 4:05:25 PM.
     1>Project "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\dirs.proj" on node 1 (default targets).
     1>Building with tools version "12.0".
     1>Project "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\dirs.proj" (1) is building "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\deploy\dirs.proj" (2) on node 1 (VerifyAlteredTargetsUsed;Build target(s)).
     2>Building with tools version "12.0".
     2>Project "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\deploy\dirs.proj" (2) is building "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\deploy\WABO\dirs.proj" (6) on node 1 (VerifyAlteredTargetsUsed;Build target(s)).
     6>Building with tools version "12.0".

Suppose you are inspecting a particular project, try to determine the node, then follow all the lines with the right node as prefix.

Start and finish

A project is started by loading the specific version of tool:

     6>Building with tools version "12.0".

When the build is finished, the last line looks like:

     6>Done Building Project "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\deploy\WABO\dirs.proj" (VerifyAlteredTargetsUsed;Build target(s)).

Each target also has the similar pattern. If you want to search the start and end, you may use the following regex pattern (applies to VIM):

project .* on node\|done building project

Copying files

Sometimes the project output could have missing files or wrong version of dependencies. Typically one can check CopyFileToOutputDirectory to see how the files are copied, for instance:

         Copying file from "X:\bt\713442\repo\src\Tools\Hugin\obj\amd64\Hugin.exe" to "X:\bt\713442\repo\out\retail-amd64\Hugin\Hugin.exe".

The following regex can be used:

copying file from .*obj.* to

Once you are familiar with the structure of build log and know a little bit into MSBuild targets, it is quite straightforward to search the log and investigate the issue. If you have any question drop a comment and I will try to answer.

Auto-Generate an Interface Implementation in C# During Build

Given an interface, it is straightforward to generate implementations of all members (or missing ones of abstract class) using either Visual Studio or ReSharper. Sometimes, code generation in IDE may not be enough for handling boilerplate code. Recently I have to deal with a WCF service proxy, where retry and logic mechanism needs to be put in every method. Basically the scenario is the following:

  • There is a WCF service running on multiple-replica setup, and the interface is changing constantly.
  • The client side wants to call the service and has to deal with unreliable channel with reconnect. However, the client code simply takes an interface object and uses it just like all other libraries, i.e. without any special logic of retry / reconnect / timeout.
  • It is preferable to not make any change to the client code. Finding all references of the interface and fixing the use pattern is not an option, and it may be huge amount of work anyway.

My solution is providing a service proxy, which implements the service interface and forwards all calls to the actual service endpoint with proper logic. As one can imagine, boilerplate code has to be put in every method of the proxy class, something like:

    CallWithRetry(clientChannel => {
        retValue = clientChannel.SomeMethod(...);
    return retValue;

Thanks to reflection, it is fairly easy to inspect the interface type to discover the full details, and then generate the boilaterplate code automatically. This can be performed in both C# and PowerShell. However, to integrate this process with the build, it is simpler to use PowerShell. The basic process is the following:

  1. Load the interface assembly using System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom
  2. Load the interface type using Assembly.GetType
  3. Discover all methods using Type.GetMethods
  4. For each method, generate the code based on ReturnType and the list of parameters using GetParameters

For the parameter type, we need to check if it is input, output, or ref parameter and handle the code generation accordingly. Another thing to consider is handling the generic types, which Name or ToString() will generate a string like:


which will not work unless converting to C# declaration List<FileStream>. The issue of type resolving can be handled using embedded C# code in the script:

        public static string ResolveType(Type t)
            if (t.IsByRef) {
                t = t.GetElementType();

            if (t.IsGenericType) {
                var pType = t.FullName.Split('`');
                return string.Concat(pType[0], "<", string.Join(", ", 
                    t.GetGenericArguments().Select(i => ResolveType(i))), ">");
            else {
                return t.ToString();

If you are interested, you may download the script here.

Next, one can include the auto-generated code in the build by modifying csproj file:

  <Compile Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)NetworkManagementProxy.codegen.cs" />

The last question is where and how to generate the code in the right location, i.e. $(IntermediateOutputPath). Since the code generation is needed before C# compiler is invoked and it requires the interface assembly being accessible (as well as its dependencies), the best approach is to define a target AfterResolveReference. This target is empty by default, it is invoked after all project references are resolved and handled properly and before Compile target is started. One can also use BeforeCompile target, which is invoked a moment after “AfterResolveReference” and right before CoreCompile. To get more details on this, read Microsoft.Common.targets in .NET framework directory on the machine.

The target looks like this:

<Target Name="AfterResolveReferences">
    <codegencmd>PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\GenerateContractImpl.ps1</codegencmd>
    <codegencmd>$(codegencmd) -AssemblyPath XX.Contracts.dll -InterfaceName Microsoft.XX</codegencmd>
    <codegencmd>$(codegencmd) -Namespace Microsoft.XX -ClassName NetworkManagementProxy</codegencmd>
    <codegencmd>$(codegencmd) &gt; $(IntermediateOutputPath)NetworkManagementProxy.codegen.cs</codegencmd>
  <!-- Copy the missing DCM dependencies into the directory -->
  <Message Text="Generating code: $(codegencmd)" />
  <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(OutDir)\..\XX.Contracts" Command="$(codegencmd)" />

With this change in csproj file, the only human-written code is a partial class with CallWithRetry method which is referenced by all interface methods. No matter how interface changes, the maitainence cost is limited to the partial class itself.

High Memory Consumption Issue Follow-up

In previous post I discussed how to use SOS to analyze the memory consumption issue in managed code. An object leak issue is found in a store component where neither ref-count nor GC is used to manage the object life cycle – it simply trusts the client to do the right thing. Unfortunately we did not. As a part of upscaling the clusters, memory consumption must be under control, over 20 GB of usage is unacceptable. After the fix, our program on a specific production cluster which used to take 8.4 GB on fresh start now consumes 2.5 GB of private working set. Peak time consumption is reduced significantly. Moreover, the codex size, which reflects the amount of objects being managed by the control center, is reduced by 86% on a cluster. Proper RCA and high code quality is proven to be an effective way to push the platform to a new level.

Reading on Major Linux Problems on the Desktop 2016 edition

Recently I read a great article Major Linux Problems on the Desktop 2016 edition with pain and sadness, yet I agree with most points in it. People have wished and talked many years, but 2016 is not a year for Linux on the desktop. Let’s face the reality, Android has much greater chance to be the “Desktop” OS than Linux 5 years down the road.

I don’t remember what was the first version of Linux distro I used, probably Slackware 3.x. It was fun to fiddle with pkgtool, change the font in the text console, and play with my own Unix-like environment. Then it’s Red Hat Linux 5.2, Turbolinux, and other distros. In my part-time project, I led the effort to run Linux with X Window in embedded environment with 16-MB flash, used MIT-SHM to accelerate the graphics, and trained the team to migrate from Windows to Linux development platform. Later I built HPC cluster using the first version of Fedora, and worked with Linux and Unix for a few years (primarily for scientific computing purpose) until I joined Microsoft. Although I did play with other OSes such as FreeBSD, Tru64, HP-UX, Mac OS, occasionaly, Linux is my favorite one for work and tinkering.

Year after year, Linux devs have been trying to replace Windows on the desktop. Obviously, integrated desktop environment is the critical part of this effort. 15 years ago, there was fvwm95 which mimicked Win95 like the following:

fvwm95 start menu

Then KDE showed up and has been greatly improved over time. Some PCs were even preloaded with Linux (and failed miserably). For people who are tech savvy and willing to spend time, Linux can be a decent desktop OS after some tweakings and customizations. However hackers are only tiny percentage of whole population. For most ordinary people, Linux doesn’t work. We should analyze the problems and learn our lesson on this.